University of maryland

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University of maryland

Unread postby gUnitSoldier » Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:04 pm

how is the university of marylands track program particulalry the vault?

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Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
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World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:52 pm

Natalie Dye goes there and her dad told me last year that she really likes her coach. She had a good year this year. I don't know what other vaulters they have.

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Unread postby divican » Mon Jul 07, 2003 10:16 am

I go to Virginia Tech, but I am from Maryland. The coach from University of Maryland is a good guy, and a good coach. He used to help me out sometimes when I was in high school. I know they don't have any guys on their vaulting squad at the moment. If you decide to go to Maryland or any other ACC school I'll be some of the competition in 2005 since VT is going to the ACC. :yes:

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U of MD

Unread postby vaultdad1 » Mon Jul 14, 2003 5:51 pm

The womens coach is excellant. He is a very supportive and knowlegable.

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Unread postby RoySloppy » Mon Jul 14, 2003 9:51 pm

do they even have a mens coach?
VA for Life!!

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Unread postby njvaulter » Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:46 pm

Do any of you know why there are no boy pole vaulters?

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Unread postby kierns » Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:29 pm

I am from Maryland but vault for UGA. I know Natalie and have met the coach several times, he is a very good guy, and helped her improve a lot. She did really well her senior year. I do not think there are any other girls there currently, or at least any good enough to travel, because Natalie is always on her own. As for the track program, not to be mean, but it's not very good. However, the school is great and the campus is great. Not to mention they have the best basketball and lax teams. I suggest you walk on to a place that has a great coach if you can't get a scholarship, and that will give you the best shot to earn one later on.

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Unread postby njvaulter » Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:32 pm

I just took a tour of the campus on friday I realy liked it except for the rooms they were realy small but what can you do.

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